When you want a Checkstyle report from Maven 2 you need to put these two bits of xml in your pom.xml. Then you need to create the Checkstyle.xml and license.txt files.
Be sure to check what the right version is of the plugin. Its shown at the bottom of the page:
You might have to back off one version.
and then put the report request in. (Be sure to put it after the JXR report if you are using that one. There is some report that needs to be after JXR and it might be Checkstyle. I can't remember for sure but we all have our little superstitions.)
You may (or may not) want the "enableRulesSummary" option off. I find it obnoxious to have all that page space taken up by the long explanations.
The "license.txt" file is the easiest. You only need it if you are going to have a rule that checks for a certain header at the top of each .java file. You can change the name but be sure to use the real name when setting up the Checkstyle rules that you want to use.
Now, for the rules file -- Checkstyle.xml. There is an easy way to create this file. Much easier than typing a bunch of cryptic XML into an editor. We just let the Eclipse do it.
You have to have the Eclipse Checkstyle plugin installed. I've done it multiple times with multiple versions of Eclipse and multiple versions of the Checkstyle plugin. Once you have that plugin installed, use the Eclipse preferences menu item to bring up the preferences box. Find the Checkstyle entry in the left section of the box and click it.
This will bring up the Checkstyle preference. Create a Checkstyle configuration of your own. Or you can use the built-in Sun configuration as a start and fool around until it tells you enough but not too much. That's always the problem with code analysis tools. When you first run them on some code, they complain about all sorts of things that you just don't care about.
Maybe your code has curly-braces in the "wrong" place and you don't really care. Change the rule settings to ignore placement of the curly-braces. So, click about 1000 times and get all the Checkstyle rules set up as you like.
On a side note: I have found that using the Checkstyle Eclipse plugin together with the Eclipse Code Formatter you can sort of play the tools off against each other for code format issues.
Most groups of developers have some sort of code-format conventions. Whatever it is, most everyone dislikes some aspect of it. But if you supply them all with a code formatting template created to be used in Eclipse and exported to a file, they can use it just before submitting code.
They can type however they want. They can even format it to their own preferences while working on it (for the fussy programmer). Just fix it before putting the code away. Then use Checkstyle to see if they are doing it. You can make a build fail if the format is wrong but I find that obnoxious. Just create a report somewhere that the managers or team leads can look at and complain now and again. In real life, most everyone just gets used to it unless they are working on multiple sets of code with different rules.
Anyway, put the formatting rules in your Eclipse and format a large body of code. Do that by right clicking on a source folder and finding "reformat" on one of the nested menus. Then let Checkstyle, also inside Eclipse, check it.and see what the errors are. You will probably end up changing both configurations until you get it right.Whatever the rules, when you have them "right," you can just export the rules with the button on the Checkstyle preferences page. Store them, if you want to use my pom XML as shown above, in the same folder that the pom.xml file is in and name that export file "Checkstyle.xml" matching the letter case. (Windows doesn't care but you'll thank me for that suggestion if you ever build under Linux.)
The trick is that the "export" stores the file in exactly the format that Checkstyle's Maven 2 plugin wants (or even the same format that Checkstyle's ANT task wants). I keep Checkstyle.xml with the project code, store it in my version control and now and then make a few changes.
The thing is, as time goes by you either get tired of seeing some of Checkstyles complaints that you thought you cared about. Or you decided to ratchet it up a notch and add some more checks because the code is better than it used to be or because the team is getting into some bad habits that you'd like to nip in the bud.
For example, I worked with a team once and a couple of guys couldn't find it in themselves to put a debug logging statement in the code they were working on. They had to put a "
" call in there and, of course, they would forget to remove them all. We added a custom regex rule to Checkstyle that said "System.out
" and "printStackTrace(
" were illegal to use in the code. We had to live with a few complaints here and there where we really wanted to output to the console. One was a little utility that just lived in the code but ran from the command line. The other was where everything went horribly wrong during startup and we needed a message but the logger wasn't set up yet. So we found all the funky debug lines and had the offenders (who we identified from the checkin records) remove them or change them to use the logger.Once you save the export file, you run "
mvn clean site
" to generate the report.If you have a site deployment location set up in the pom.xml you can then do "
mvn site:deploy
". Note that I have found you shouldn't do these three targets all together. Do the clean-site first and then do the site:deploy. It just works better that way.